selamat haRi laHer emak......

seLAmat Arie LAher mAk....waLaopon agAk beLated......
wish U a cheeRisH and HappY moMent In ur U so mUChHHH.......<3


di tepi pantai....ape la "binatang" tu fikir sampai sanggup buat camni.....
kenape la ade orang yg nak buang bayi yang x tau pape......persoalan yg bermain dalam fikiran yg x mungkin hilang...........

pOinTleSS....i tHink so

            It has been 10 years since I graduated from CUCMS. My previous life as a medical student was not as easy as everyone think. Becoming a medical student was a huge leap for me, since before all this, I was a very lazy student, I always played a lot, procrastinated a lot, and a whole lot of other things that I shouldn’t do, but since becoming a medical student, all those negative things have changed, not only I learnt to be hardworking, but also others soft skills that I developed when I was a medical students such as leadership qualities, communication skills and many others that I later fused those soft skills with my practical skills as a doctors….. I miss those days as a student…
                Now I am a pediatrician at Prince Court hospital. Until now, I still don’t get the idea WHY I want to be a medical practitioner or as people often call me a “doctor”. Becoming a doctor is not a famous job, we don’t get paid a lot , our salary is not that huge compare to other professionals job, we DO get a lot of “on call”, we do have to study hard, even work harder to earn extra money, even some of my friends are still bonded with the government to work in the public sectors, which most of them are working at the general hospital, lucky for me, I DON’T. It’s not that I don’t want to work in the public sectors, but the government should have taken seriously into consideration the welfare of doctors rather than politicians (I’m not saying that all politicians are bad, but mostly there are). The government should understand and realize that it’s not easy to be a doctor. For me the main reason why I became a doctor is because the feeling of satisfaction that I see in the eye of my patients when they are well treated.
                If I become a Prime Minister, I’ll make sure that the welfare of every doctor around Malaysia is well taken care of. For me a doctor is a “corruption-less” profession because doctors don’t take neither receive bribe from the patient because it was against the Doctor Etiquette. A doctor gives life to others, not taking it away from them. What will happen if doctors take bribe from their patient??? The consequences are HUGE.
                If I want to take “some” bribes to be rich, I should be politician or a businessman, not a doctor. I hope that I can earn more money by becoming a businessman or precisely a franchisor. I do give some thought on establishing medical sector as a franchise same like MacDonald’s and other mega-franchising company, to name a few like IKEA and Subway. I can assimilate the franchise system into the healthcare sectors, where doctors are not only train to treat patients but also to manage their own clinic to improve their earnings. Not only that I can become richer, but also to improve the healthcare standard and awareness among Malaysian.
                If I want to educate public about healthcare awareness, I should educate them when they are still young. I can give talk and speech from school to school, and if I want to go to a professional level, I can be a lecturer to educate college student about healthcare awareness in Malaysia…. Where I can be both educator and doctor at the same time.
                Fuuhhh …..luckily it was just a dream…

haPPy birThday 4 Me......

nothing much to post....juz wanna say sumthing to myself......(talking alone is very interesting actually so dat u can appreciate urself)....

hApPy bIrthdAy to ME.......hope dat i'll achieve more this year since diz is my last TEEN years.....


OPenInG of a nEw chapTer...

quiet buzy week lately...well u know how things going around when so call "medical student" get their hands on...hahahaha.......well its still a life long journey for me....the only things that I hope so much since secondary school was to became a doctor...i hope that I have The mental and physical capabilities to become a doctor.....


About Me

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seTApAk...., kUala lUmpur....MalAysiA, Malaysia